Weekly Jukebox Music Updates Help Put Money in the Till for the Challenge Arms, Kettering
Landlady Helen Taylor is keen to spread the word about the results she’s seen from upgrading her pub jukebox to a newer digital model from HireJukebox featuring twice-weekly updates.
Speaking on the new addition to her pub, The Challenge Arms in Kettering, Taylor reports, “It really has been a huge success. We all know it?s hard times but this really helps keep our head above water.”
Taylor has long been a fan of the humble pub jukebox, but had begun to notice a shift in customers’ expectations when it came to the music options available. As smartphones and mp3 players have become an increasingly common part of everyday life, digital jukeboxes with monthly updates are no longer enough to impress today’s consumers.
Describing previous jukebox models, Taylor recalls that, “the customers were always complaining there was either not enough music or it was outdated.” She goes on to explain that “the locals kept constantly raving on for weeks and weeks about this ‘fantastic jukebox’ at the pub across the road.”
Deciding that she’d had enough of losing out on valuable custom to the neighbouring pub, Taylor decided to investigate. After discovering that the rival pub’s jukebox offered weekly track updates, Taylor immediately decided to upgrade The Challenge Arms’ own jukebox to a model which automatically updates twice a week via either a cable or wireless internet connection.
Commenting on her decision, Taylor enthuses, “It’s great. Now the customers not only have every song that has been in the charts but, more importantly, what is in the charts today.”
The Challenge Arms’ landlady is also equally pleased with the speed and convenience of HireJukebox’ services, stating that, “within a week our old jukebox had been removed from our previous jukebox supplier and a new touch screen jukebox installed.”
“It’s certainly put an end to all the moaning, well about the jukebox anyway!” Concludes Taylor jokingly.
If your existing jukebox is falling behind the times through infrequent updates or you want to find out what newcomers there are for your pub, don’t hesitate to contact a HireJukebox expert to discuss possible upgrade options.
Author: Marc Bird