The Proof is in the Profit: The VenueHub Jukebox is a Great Fit for the Brown Lion, Birmingham
Landlord Andrew Dogwell, of the Brown Lion in Birmingham, has expressed his gratitude to HireJukebox for recommending the VenueHub digital jukebox model, which he admits has improved both the ambiance and the profit levels of his pub.
“Cash box levels have been excellent,” reports Dogwell, adding, “We are a very music oriented venue with many customers appreciating a diverse range. Most jukeboxes couldn’t cater for this type of demand, which is why it was essential we chose the right jukebox.”
The VenueHub touchscreen jukebox model is perfectly adapted to meet the needs of a client base with broad-ranging musical preferences, like those of the Brown Lion, given that it offers pub-goers access to over 7 million online tracks, including every top 40 hit since 1952.
More importantly, through the pioneering Last.Fm application, each customer can build their own profile of their favourite songs and artists, so regular visitors can access their top track choices in a matter of seconds.
As these profiles are open to browsing, pub-goers can also check what their friends have been listening to, turning the jukebox into a whole new social experience. This option, along with the built-in recommendations feature, which suggests songs based on a customer’s previous selections, helps music fans discover new tracks and keeps them coming back to the jukebox visit after visit.
These lucrative special features are the key reason why HireJukebox is so keen to suggest the VenueHub for music-oriented pubs like the Brown Lion. As expressed by Business Development Manager for HireJukebox, Marc Bird:
“The most important aspect of any equipment is ultimately what is in the cash box. To achieve significant growth in profit performance it is essential to have the right product in the right site. This philosophy has led to the VenueHub jukebox at the Brown Lion being a huge success, not only to fulfil customer demand, but also highly profitable for the site.”
For advice on which digital jukebox model would be the perfect fit for your pub or bar, contact a HireJukebox specialist here, or call on 02476222806.
Author: Marc Bird