Landlords Keen to Create Extra Revenue Opportunities as Pub Visit Frequency Predicted to Fall
Despite positive growth in the number of pub visits during the six months leading up to October, this trend is expected to reverse in the next half-year, causing landlords to seek out alternative sources of profit.
Leading financial consulting firm, Deloitte, recently reported that the average frequency of pub visits for UK consumers has risen to 4.7 times, up from 4.6 times in spring. In parallel with visit frequency, average spends in pubs are also said to have risen, from £11.22 to £12.09.
Unfortunately, this positive news was produced alongside less welcome predictions that the number of visits is set to fall by 0.2 points by next May. Statistics suggest that this decrease is likely to be largely down to a 5 per cent drop in the number of ‘frequent casual diners’ and especially a reduction in pub, club and bar visits in the capital.
In light of this imminent decline, many pub owners may be looking towards other methods of recouping the profits lost to falling customer numbers. Perhaps one of the most effective alternate sources of revenue, and also one of the simplest to implement, is a hired jukebox.
Available on a profit-share option, HireJukebox’s digital jukebox systems represent a risk-free investment for landlords, who are not required to pay any rental fees or initial hire costs. Beyond this convenient pricing system, pub owners also benefit from rapid installation and expert advice on the best jukebox model for their particular establishment, based on their individual customer base.
After this initial setup, landlords are then free to immediately begin profiting from their new jukebox, in terms of both cash returns and the welcoming atmosphere music can create for a pub or bar. In addition to directly providing a second revenue stream, a digital jukebox may therefore also enable a pub to attract a broader audience, helping landlords to combat the anticipated reduction in visitor numbers.
To find out more about the advantages of hiring one of the latest digital jukebox models, take a look at for yourself or get in touch with a member of our team.
Author: Marc Bird