Getting the Balance Right with HireJukebox’s Volume Zones Option
The Tykes Sports Bar in Barnsley has finally struck the right balance with its customers when it comes to music volume, thanks to HireJukebox’s option to separately control background music volumes in different areas of the pub.
Landlord Ryan Giggs welcomes this change, noting how vital it is for him to please each of the Barnsley pub’s different groups of regulars.
“We are a big pub but we have different types of crowd and we have to cater for all,’ comments Giggs. “We have the customers that enjoy music but still want to be able to hear themselves speak. Then we have the pool table area which attracts a younger crowd who like the volume turned up. Finally, we have an eating area where at certain times the music has to be played softly in the background. Being able to control the music in these different areas of our venue was essential.”
Thankfully, HireJukebox’s digital jukebox systems offer a musical zones feature allowing venue owners to individually set the volume for up to four different areas within their pub or bar. Each of these zones will then have its own individual volume control located centrally behind the bar for convenience. Landlords can even choose to fade out unsuitable tracks for a given zone, prompting the jukebox to automatically skip to the next song selection.
These options prove especially useful for venues with outdoor sections such as pub gardens or smoking areas. While noise control regulations are of particular concern in these areas, many landlords are still keen to provide low level background music to entertain patrons and boost jukebox takings, particularly in warmer months. Hire Jukebox therefore provide specially developed weatherproof speakers which work in combination with the volume control zone feature, meaning pub-goers can now enjoy their song selections wherever they are in the venue.
“When the volume is set right you walk around the pub and still feel the vibe” vouches Giggs, concluding, “It’s a nice balance throughout.”
Take a look at our other recent blog articles to discover further ways Hire Jukebox have advised landlords on how to create the perfect background music solution for their venue.
Author: Marc Bird