Playing to the Crowd; Jukebox Upgrade Captivates The Salford Arms’ Music-Savvy Regulars
Landlord Ken Devereaux has expressed his amazement at how enthusiastically the Salford Arms’ customer base of music fanatics have taken to the pub’s newly upgraded jukebox.
“Everybody is in awe of the new jukebox,’ Devereaux admits, commenting ‘The range of music content is mind-blowing.’
Devereaux had been satisfied with the pub’s previous ‘Milestones in Music’ Sound Leisure Jukebox, but decided to go ahead with the upgrade on Hire Jukebox’s advice. The Jukebox specialists felt the pub’s tuned-in, new music loving crowd would really appreciate the VenueHub’s extra variety. Now the venue’s jukebox track list includes access to over 7 million songs, from the latest releases, updated weekly, to unreleased tracks, remixes and even songs by local artists.
“We look at each venue and decide which jukebox would be suitable for them,” affirms Marc Bird, Business Development Manager for Hire Jukebox, explaining “It’s not only about improving cash box levels, but more importantly making sure the jukebox is fulfilling customer demand.”
Devereaux agrees, commenting ‘HireJukebox could see the potential in what the VenueHub jukebox could achieve in the Salford Arms. When I first saw what the jukebox could do, I didn’t need much persuading!”
The Salford landlord explains that in today’s technology-focused world, pub-goers expect instant access to a wealth of tracks, and are highly attuned to the VenueHub’s swipe-motion touchscreen controls.
“Searching for music is so simple and fast; it’s the next era of jukebox technology and our customers just get it,” asserts Devereaux.
In fact, the VenueHub has become the focal point of the entire pub, entertaining customers with posters and photos uploaded to its 32” touchscreen display. This has underlined the Salford Arms’ reputation as a haven for music lovers, with Devereaux concluding;
“We work hard at keeping our customers happy and the jukebox is one of the reasons they keep coming back.”
Contact Hire Jukebox to discuss the right jukebox for your venue, now available with absolutely no installation fees under Hire Jukebox’s profit share scheme.
Author: Marc Bird