Sharing Our Passion for Jukebox Innovation: A Video Guide to the Latest Jukebox Technology
At Hire Jukebox, we often hear from astonished landlords who are blown away by the range of sophisticated features their newly-installed jukebox offers, and how much their customers enjoy using it.
This made us wonder how many other landlords could benefit from an innovative VenueHub background music system, but are unaware of what the latest jukebox technology has to offer.
The obvious solution to this dilemma was to create a video guide to Sound Leisure’s cutting-edge jukebox systems, so landlords could see the cutting-edge VenueHub in action for themselves.
On the day of the shoot, I was initially nervous to begin filming with Picture Blast Studios in Coventry. Thanks to the friendly filming team though, the day went by without a hitch, and the result is a video which really puts across why Hire Jukebox are so passionate about today’s digital jukeboxes.
The video not only highlights the jukebox’s polished design, complete with 32” high definition touchscreen interface, it also advises landlords on how to use this impressive display to feature adverts, photo content and local events.
The video demonstrates the various convenient ways of browsing the VenueHub’s ever-growing library of over 7 million tracks, including every UK top 40 hit since 1960 and new releases automatically added twice a week. It shows landlords how the jukebox’s Music Spider and Last.Fm features engage with pub-goers by enabling them to personalise the experience, discovering new artists based on their own music tastes.
Perhaps most importantly, the video also lets landlords know that Hire Jukebox now offer this extraordinary digital jukebox model on a no rent, profit share basis. This means pub and bar owners can capitalise on the VenueHub’s extensive features, supported by Hire Jukebox’s expert advice, without paying any installation or rental fees, and with no need to commit to a binding contract.
Hire Jukebox hope everyone enjoys watching the video as much as we enjoyed making it, and welcome any queries on how your venue could take advantage of leading digital jukebox technology.
Author: Marc Bird