Innovation in the Hospitality Industry: Why Landlords Need to Stay One Step Ahead
Cains Brewery in Liverpool has revealed ambitious plans to turn the traditional brewery into a major tourist attraction, underlining the need for innovation at a difficult time for Britain’s pub industry.
The Brewery’s ambitious plan includes installing an on-site hotel, food market and spa; alongside extensive refurbishment to the existing Grade II listed building and Brewery Tap pub. Speaking to industry publication, Big Hospitality, Liverpool Mayor Joe Anderson commented, “We are fully behind the plans and extremely excited about the positive impact it will have.”
In fact, the multimillion pound development is expected to draw in up to 500,000 visitors per year, which owner Sudarghara Dusanj predicts will allow the company to increase production of traditional ales by up to 300 per cent.
Against a backdrop of pubs and bars struggling to survive in today’s hospitality sector, this trailblazing effort serves as an example of how innovation can help landlords stand out from the crowd. Recognising this opportunity, Hire Jukebox are committed to offering the most advanced Jukebox technology available, supplying pub owners with an ever increasing array of features to attract and entertain consumers.
A far cry from the automated record players of the fifties and sixties, the latest jukeboxes offer an easy to use touchscreen interface with a number of intuitive navigation options to make locating a track simpler than ever. This is combined with an extensive library of 30,000 tracks, with new chart releases automatically downloaded on a twice weekly basis to remain at the forefront of musical trends.
Beyond this core role as an entertainment system, the VenueHub also supports existing features of a pub’s offering, as landlords can create a calendar of upcoming events and use the machine’s display to showcase pub photographs or advertising content.
Get in touch to learn more about the VenueHub’s full range of pioneering jukebox services and the effect they could have on cash box levels for your pub or bar.
Author: Marc Bird