Digital Jukebox Breathes New Life into the Lion Pub in Clifton
New landlord Tom Gaunt is delighted to be able to report that jukebox takings have trebled since Hire Jukebox installed a digital ‘The Jukebox’ model in the newly-refurbished The Lion pub in Clifton-Upon-Teme, Worcestershire.
“Everyone is hugely impressed,” comments Gaunt, explaining, “I think what most people like is the fact it’s got so many songs and it’s so easy to use.”
As a slightly run-down pub with a small but loyal customer base, Gaunt saw an opportunity to turn The Lion into a real highlight for the local community, serving food but maintaining a separate bar area to preserve the pub’s traditional charm. Having bought The Lion, Gaunt launched into a full refurbishment program to put a fresh spin on the pub’s offering, including a brand new sleek digital jukebox.
The Clifton landlord understood the importance of replacing the current NSM CD jukebox for a newer model, particularly as the old machine regularly broke down and offered customers just 60 different albums.
However, Gaunt was wary of spending too much on an upgrade, so was particularly pleased to discover Hire Jukebox’s offer of a profit-share deal, having researched many different jukebox suppliers. Thanks to this option, Gaunt was able to have Hire Jukebox install the new ‘The Jukebox’ digital machine for free, with no rental costs and all technical support costs fully included.
“We’ve gone from an old cd jukebox with only 60 cd’s to having over 30,000 tracks available at the touch of a button,” Gaunt enthuses, adding, “The takings have more than trebled; I think the weekly online music updates have contributed towards this.”
The Lion’s hugely expanded new jukebox music library includes every top 40 chart release since 1952 and all the most popular tracks from the previous jukebox, especially uploaded by Hire Jukebox, as well as regular updates of the latest chart releases. With this extensive new music collection in place, The Lion is now ready to re-capture the hearts of the local Clifton community.
Contact Hire Jukebox to learn more about bringing your venue up to date with a digital jukebox upgrade.
Author: Marc Bird