Hire Jukebox Brings Tidings of Comfort and Joy to Moorside Social Club
Hire Jukebox recently made the Christmas wishes of Moorside Social Club in Manchester come true, when it installed a jukebox for no charge, in plenty of time for the festivities.
Moorside Social Club is a lovely, welcoming place and is being refurbished in time for Christmas this year. The club committee is devoted to finding new ways in which to attract new members and to encourage existing members to stay longer.
It was decided that a jukebox would be the perfect way to achieve this, however, with budgets tight, the club worried that it would not be able to afford to install one. Committee member Neil Smethurst did some initial research and found that many suppliers would only provide a jukebox on a fixed rental, which was beyond Moorside’s means.
Neil appreciated that the jukebox equipment was expensive and the new music content had to be paid for but he was confident that the jukebox would cover the rent and make profit. The club members had brought up the subject of a jukebox for years and the regulars are music lovers. But he couldn’t persuade the committee to take the risk of a fixed rental.
By chance, Neil got talking to another local landlord during a local pool match who told him about the no cost, profit share deals Hire Jukebox had to offer. Neil arranged with local landlord to visit his pub to check out the jukebox. He was impressed with the music content, the easy to use features and the quality of the sound.
But what really impressed him was the fact this ‘top of the range’ jukebox could be installed free of charge on a profit-share deal. So, Neil got our details and called Hire Jukebox to discuss it further. We explained that there was no rental costs and the jukebox would not cost the club any money at any time.
With the new refurbishment underway, Neil was keen to get the new jukebox installed before Christmas and was thrilled when we installed it within the week. We took care to do a very tidy job, given that the club was being refurbished so smartly, and the committee was impressed to see that exposed wiring was kept to an absolute minimum.
They were also impressed by the sound, as we use high quality Wharfdale speakers. We installed speakers in both bar and lounge and fixed a volume control behind the bar, so that the management have complete control. We also set the jukebox up to play background music at certain times, which adds to the welcoming atmosphere of the club.
The jukebox was installed in plenty of time for Christmas and is already a great success, however, when the Christmas selection comes on automatically at the beginning of December, it is likely to boost the cashbox even further.
The Christmas selection contains all the classic and biggest hits with everything from Band-Aid to Wizzard and plenty inbetween. In fact, there are a total of 50 tracks in the Christmas playlist and it is available free to Hire Jukebox customers.
Having good music content is important. But at this time of year, having a good selection of Christmas songs is essential. So, if you are thinking about creating a great atmosphere in your pub or club this Christmas time – perhaps a jukebox should be at the top of your wish list? Like Santa, Hire Jukebox is pretty busy at this time of year, so make sure you contact us as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
To get your customers rocking around the jukebox this year, contact us on 024 7645 5879.