Life is Tweet for V-Hub Customers
Many proactive pubs, bars and social clubs are using social media as another way in which to communicate with their customers and promote special offers and forthcoming events.
As many people now use their smartphones and tablets to keep in touch via Facebook and Twitter, they are an ideal medium for businesses to get their messages to customers
With most UK adults regularly using a smartphone or tablet device to connect to Twitter and Facebook regularly, it’s the perfect way to get your message in front of thousands of receptive customers.
People enjoy sharing their thoughts on their leisure venues online, and connecting with other customers, sharing experiences and photos. Ultimately, this can all help to promote your business.
The Dog and Partridge in Manchester is one pub that is maximizing the opportunities offered by social media channels. John Robin, from the pub explains, “Like many pubs, we are using Facebook and Twitter as a free form of advertising. We work hard to keep our customers entertained, whether it is with live bands or by showing live sporting events.
“By using Twitter, we can inform our existing and potentially new customers what we have lined up for that evening. Many of our customers then share this information with others by retweeting. Others use it as a way of finding out further details. Within a few seconds your tweet has the potential to be read by thousands of people. What other form of marketing allows you to reach this amount of people, direct and for free?”
The VenueHub jukebox, which Hire Jukebox supplies to pubs, bars and clubs has a new Twitter feature, which allows venues to develop their presence with their own account, which is displayed on the jukebox itself via the 32inch touchscreen display. This means that visitors to the site can see that it has a Twitter presence and can also add to the feed either while they are in the venue or once they are home.
This is a powerful marketing tool for venue owners. In fact, many are amazed at the wide demographic of people who use Twitter regularly and how many people enjoy seeing their Tweets and images displayed on the screen.
The touchscreen display on the V-Hub can also be used to advertise forthcoming events, via the “What’s On” feature, or to upload photos via the “Managers Photos” feature. This is a great way for sites to advertise sporting events or show pictures of themed evenings or private parties.
All of which is free advertising for the venue within the site. However, by adding a Twitter feed, the promotion of the business goes that much further and setting it up could not be easier – in fact we would be happy to do it for you.
Simply enter the “Mangers Menu” (only accessible via a key left with owner/manager) and enter the Twitter set up feature. Once the feature is enabled add your Twitter username; for example @thegreenman. You will then be given the option to allow your tweets including photos to be displayed via the jukebox touchscreen.
Setting up a specific hashtag name associated/related with your venue displays tweets from you and others on this specific theme – such as #nottingham.
The live Twitter display can be accessed at anytime by the Twitter icon button on the jukebox touchscreen or can be shown in the same format as an advert would be displayed (every so often when the jukebox is not being used).The jukebox also has an option to block any unwanted users.
Marc Bird from Hire Jukebox said “Feedback from existing customers has been amazing. Landlords have found it very simple to set up. Customers are amazed that their tweets and photos can be displayed within seconds on the touchscreen display. It not only attracts interest in the jukebox from existing users of Twitter but has also encouraged new users to Twitter resulting in more followers for the pubs. It goes to prove once again that “VenueHub” is not only the most advanced jukebox we have been able to offer to date, but also the most attuned to the demands of the modern pub.”
You can find out more about touch-screen jukebox hire by calling us on 024 7645 5879.