Jukebox Raises Community Spirit at the Pavilion Bar
The Pavilion Bar in Saxilby Lincoln is an unusual venue as it is part of the St Andrews Centre – owned by the local Parish Council. It is set back off the main road in the beautiful village of Saxilby and it is surrounded by sports fields. It doesn’t really look at all what you would expect from a community centre.
Leisureplay went to install a jukebox and when we got there we thought we must have put the wrong address in the sat nav. We noticed there was a library there as well – so I went to ask for directions and my engineer Lewis checked the sat nav. Once I entered the building, I discovered a wonderful, traditional bar, literally across the hall from the library.
It was an unexpected surprise, as it had all the fixtures and fittings of a traditional pub! I was given a warm welcome by the manager John McDonald and I confessed that I thought I had arrived at the wrong place, but complemented him on the fantastic venue.
John explained that the Pavilion Bar had been set up for the local community to get together and enjoy themselves. John had taken over the management of the venue and had found that the jukebox had been taken out and the place was in need of some TLC. So, he and his team had refurbished the bar and were now opening seven days a week, serving great homemade food. In fact, there were people eating and drinking there when we arrived. John had also introduced lots of entertainment, from darts and Sky Sports through to discos and DJs and even live local bands.
It was really evident how much effort John and his team were putting into The Pavilion to draw the crowds back and bring in new custom. They were also taking good advantage of social media and hosted a lively Facebook page – promoting forthcoming events etc
One subject on Facebook attracted a lot of comment and that was the decision by the previous management to remove the jukebox. Angry customers demanded that it be returned. One wrote, “I have asked whether they intend to replace the jukebox or if this is another permanent feature lost. I am rapidly losing faith.”
So, after seeing the posts, it was high on John’s list of priorities to get a jukebox back installed into the venue. But he didn’t just want to replace it, he had plans to make it even better than before.
John researched various jukebox models on the internet and was particuarly impressed with the idea of a jukebox that was automatically updated every week with new music.
He found the Leisureplay website and called me to discuss it further. I advised on “The Jukebox” – a high earning digital jukebox with over 30,000 songs including every UK top 40 chart release since 1952.
Customers can select the music they want to hear by simply searching by artist, song title or even date.There is a wide range of genres including rock, pop, Irish and country. Furthermore, “The Jukebox” can also have any music of your choice added including local bands and artists – at no extra cost.
The installation went well. The jukebox looked great and sounded even better!
John rewarded us with a “posh coffee” from his new top of the range coffee machine! John informed his customers on the new arrival by posting a picture on his Facebook page and writing “I’m back ……..”
The response was pretty immediate and definitely positive! The first comment was, “Thank God!” Someone else asked whether they could get Terence Trent d’Arby on it. John told them that they could get anything they wanted even the top 40 from the date they were born! Soon the customers were sending in their Top 10s from the date they were born and John confirmed they were all on the jukebox! In fact, he offered his customers a free pint if they could find a Top 40 track that wasn’t on the jukebox!
Word spread and now the jukebox at The Pavilion is even more popular than before and the customers on Facebook have had to find a new topic of conversation!
Follow The Pavilion Bar here: www.facebook.com/pavbar?fref=ts