One Giant Leap in Jukebox Technology for ‘The Stone Arms’ Pub
Landlord Nick Pratt had a number of ideas how to improve to his business venture – The Stone Arms, a traditional pub in Skellingthorpe, Lincoln.
These ideas ranged from new decor to an improved menu for dining. Better outdoor signage was also on the “to do” list but most importantly was to have a touchscreen jukebox installed at the venue.
Having worked in the pub trade for over 25 years, Nick knew the advantages of jukebox hire.
- creating the right atmosphere
- allowing customers to play the music they want to hear
- increases customer dwell time
These factors have always remained the same. Unlike when Nick pulled his first pint way back in 1990 when “Hanging Tough” by New Kids on the Block was top of the charts; jukeboxes have changed!
Back then, CD jukeboxes were the latest music technology for pubs, but CD’s that skip when scratched and “Now That’s What I Call Music” albums on jukeboxes are a thing of the past.
Digital jukeboxes have thousands of tracks pre-installed including every UK top 40 chart release since 1952. New music is updated automatically every week via an online connection.
Background music settings also exist to allow you to create the right atmosphere for your venue. Searching for new music has never been easier! Gone are the days of browsing CD covers on the jukebox. Now you can search by artist or track title via the jukeboxes touchscreen display.
But the biggest leap in jukebox technology has to be the jukebox app – Soundjack. Now for the first time ever customers can play the jukebox from their mobile phone or tablet device. Customers love the fact they don’t have to leave their chair.
Nick said:
“I remember thinking the CD jukebox was a revolution. 25 years on and we are playing songs on the jukebox from our mobile phones. It’s absolutely mind blowing”.
The Stone Arms has since been taken over by new management.