“Knowing Your Customer Base is the Key to Success” Report Top-Rated Landlords
Adapting a pub’s services to the specific customer base has emerged as the most frequently mentioned piece of advice for fellow pub owners from some of the UK’s most acclaimed landlords.
Interviews with the faces behind some of the top rated pubs in this year’s Good Pub Guide has revealed a general agreement that identifying the pub’s exact market and tailoring services to their needs is crucial for success. Alongside this common theme, the celebrated landlords also cited an ability to evolve with changing trends, welcoming service and consistent quality standards as important factors for attracting consumers.
“There is no point trying to compete against cheap supermarket deals or the lure of the home cinema,” admitted one landlord to industry paper, the Publican’s Morning Advertiser, advising pub owners, “Tempt customers in with something quite distinct.”
Having supplied digital jukeboxes to numerous different pubs and bars throughout the UK, Hire Jukebox are well aware that each venue has its own unique charm and that different establishments naturally appeal to different sets of customers. Hire Jukebox also realise that music can play a significant role in shaping a pub’s ambiance, and determining whether or not customers feel welcome.
To ensure a venue is sending out the right message to its regulars, Hire Jukebox profile each pub’s specific customer base before the jukebox is installed to deliver a musical back catalogue particularly suited to their preferences.
Once the new machine is in place, Hire Jukebox also continue to monitor which songs are selected to automatically add more of the music a pub’s customers love to the jukebox library. Landlords even have the option to restrict the jukebox’s extensive list of genres to omit inappropriate tracks, such as setting the machine to avoid rock songs during a peaceful lunchtime service.
To learn more about the importance of achieving the right musical fit for your venue, contact Hire Jukebox.